- web.archive.org web/20080117142713/http://www.…A collectionof archaeological photographs taken by Yigael Yadin during his excavations at HAZOR, MASADA,and theCAVES OF QUMRAN Relating to his books HAZOR, MASADA, BAR KOKHBA andTHE TEMPLE SCROLL. A nd film footage of his...Missing: militello, agata
- http://web.archive.org web/20140322053848/http:/www.…One True Media makes video creation fun, easy and free. Mix your video and photos with our effects, text and music and post to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and more. Get a download or DVD.Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20130122071953/http://unterm.…This database was compiled over the years in response to diverse and wide-ranging demands of United Nations language staff for terminology and nomenclature. It is being put on the Internet to facilitate the efforts of people around the world who...Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20201203022136/https://ru.…Манифест фашизма ( итал. Il manifesto dei fasci di combattimento ) — работа футуриста Филиппо Маринетти и национал-синдикалиста Алкеста Де Амбрисаи и фашиста Бенито Муссолини .Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20141107015342/http://www.…A group of Toubous rebels, minority in the south, attacked the town of Morzuk Wednesday, in the desert region of Fezzan, the centerpiece in the device of Gaddafi and main logistics line linking Tripoli to southwest border.Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20230309005501/http://…Incontri gratuiti gallodoro single, incontri datazione marmora.Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20110226021533/http://…управління внутрішньої політики та звязків з громадськістью ХОДА...Missing: militello, agata
- web.archive.org web/20130301204506/http://www.…Welcome to freeX. freeX is the brand of uncompromising quality. Established in summer 1994, freeX has gained world-wide acclaim for innovative design, highest quality and safety standards. The company’s philosophy is to supply high tech producs...Missing: militello, agata